Monday, September 9, 2013

Letter #86: September 9, 2013

Fam Jam & Such,

So, as most of you now know, I was robbed... Yep, true story, but no worries, I’m totes fine.  I’m sort of dying (health wise), but that’s all good, too.  The doctor thinks that I have anemia (no biggie).  My companion has a 3-inch mass (most likely a benign tumor) in her pelvis.  The last situation is the most complicated… We’ve been going to Viña... A LOT lately... which takes up a lot of time... I have 2 weeks left in my mission and things are NOT going according to plan... The Lord is teaching me so much right now!!!

The strongest feeling that I am left with at the end of every day is just how overwhelming grateful I am that Heavenly Father has let me come on a mission... :)  I don’t feel like I have done much and the things that I have done could have probably been done better by someone else, but the opportunity that Heavenly Father has given me to better come to know His Son, Him, and myself is more than I will EVER be able to thank Him for!!!  His mercy and grace is infinite and amazing!!  I will never cease to marvel at His wonderful Gospel and His wonderful ways...

There is so much that I have yet to experience in life, but the experiences that I am having now and have had as a missionary have prepared me for the future and will forever be kept in my heart.  I LOVE this Gospel.  I LOVE Jesus Christ.  He is our King and He will come one day to reign in all His glory.  I will be among those who worship Him at His feet when He comes.  I will remain faithful to the end.  Of other details of my life I am not sure, but of THAT I am.  Things do NOT turn out as planned, but in the Hands of God, they turn out better than we can even imagine.  I am eternally grateful for EVERYTHING that has led me up this point in my life.  Every family member, every friend, every word of encouragement, every event.  I stand all amazed with President Monson when he said, “God is in the details of our lives.”  I know that those are true words spoken by a true prophet.  God is with us still and the greatest evidence of His love in these days is the Restoration of His Gospel.

I love you all SOOOOOOOOOO much!!  Thanks for all you love and support over the past year and a half (yes, last Saturday I officially hit 18 months)!!!  Family, you mean the world to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LOVE YOU GUYS!!!  Can’t wait to see you soon!!!

Much Love,
Hermana Hermansen

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