Sunday, March 18, 2012

Letter #3 and Letter #4 March 13, 2012

Excerpt from my mom's letter:

The MTC is different than my expectations because most of the studying and learning is self-engaged.  We only have a teacher about 4 hours/day.  The rest is mostly by ourselves.  It's hard because there is SO much going on and SO much scheduled into one day that it's overwhelming.  Both of the other Hermanas that share our room are going to the Santiago West Mission.  My companion and I are both going to Vina del Mar.  My whole district is going to Chile.  There are four hermanas and 4 elders in my district, which is unusual, but so fun!  I love the elders in my district!  They are so funny and genuine.  They ALWAYS take our trays for us at lunch.  Us four hermanas are the only ones in our zone, though (of about 40 total).  I'm getting to know the other elders in our zone and they all seem super nice, too.

I'm always so busy  and my brain is always thinking about something to do with the gospel or Spanish.  The spirit is so strong here.  It's the best feeling!  It's also very discouraging at times.  It's weird that I have already been here a week!  Weeks feel like days, but days feel like weeks here!  I'm starting to really enjoy it, though.  It was hard the first three days, but it really is great to be here.  I've had a lot of personal inspiration to help me through.  I love you SOOOOO much, mi madre!  Thanks for all of your love and support!  You are such an incredibly strong woman and daughter of God.  I love you!  Muchas gracias!!!

P.S.  I haven't seen David Archuleta yet, but I have heard some rumors and I'll keep a weary eye out!

Excerpt from my letter:

Well, I'm still adjusting to missionary life, but it's good!  It's like an emotional roller coaster here.  One day you feel invincible and on top of the world, like you could convert the pope and the spirit is so strong and concentrated and strong and powerful!  Then, the next day you feel lower than dust and dumber than a doornail.  Ha!  Ha!  It's great!  It's hard to learn the language because they literally just throw it at you.  When I say that I've taught lessons in Spanish already, that doesn't mean that I have taught them well.  It's good that they throw so much at you because it forces you to learn.  I can pray and bare testimony in Spanish pretty well, though.  So, it is coming, it's just hard at much is happening and being thrown at you with extreme velocity.  I'm studying all day and I don't feel like it is enough time.

Sundays are good!  Way different than normal Sundays.  We get a lot of personal study time, which is nice to not be cramming new information into your brain, although sometimes you are doing that anyway.  We have relief society in the morning, sacrament meeting at 3 pm, and a fireside that night.  The rest of the day is packed with personal study, interviews, district meetings, branch council, meals and a few other variable things.  There is so much spirit residing here on Sundays!!  It's AWESOME! Sundays are more relaxing in the sense that you don't have official classes, but they are definitely just as packed, scheduled, and busy.

That is crazy that Hermana Ortega being Chelsea's old roommate!!!  Also, Hermana Ortega and I have the same CTR ring.  (then she drew a picture)  My teachers names are Sister Self, Brother Jensen, Brother Vargas, Brother Vincent, and there's also another guy that comes in and helps sometimes, but I don't know his name.  Sister Self is our main teacher, though.  I love Brother Jensen!  He is so funny!!!  There are other random people that come in every so often, but I don't know there names either.  Well, I am out of time, but I love you and miss you!!!

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