Monday, March 18, 2013

Letter #61: March 18, 2013

Dear Family and Friends,

It is starting to get cold here in the mornings and nights, but still really hot and sunny during the day.  Hermana Ortega is not training right now.  I saw her 4 weeks ago on my B-day.  She is doing well.  Still miss her!!  I love my new companion!!  She´s hilarious!!!  The work is going good.  Ridiculously busy and I never have time for  anything!!  

So, I’m not quite sure what to write about today, but I’ve been having some important thoughts lately so I’ll try to get them out and explain them as best as my little hands typing on this Spanish keyboard will allow me. ;)

First off, I received a dearelder this past week with 2 letters from Rachel and one from Aunt Kristie.  They both touched my heart a little.  Rachel said something that I’ve definitely already known and realized, but it’s always nice to get an outsiders opinion because sometimes I feel like my view on certain things is very limited in the mission. She mentioned the changes that have been taking place in me and that she can see.  It’s funny because I always said that I wasn’t going to “change” on my mission (which she also mentioned to me).  As I look back upon saying that before my mission, I can plainly see the reason why I said that.  It arose from 2 main things. #1— Pride and #2— A misunderstanding of the word “change”.

Change is a natural process of life.  Everyone and everything is always changing.  We can either accept it or neglect it, but it is there.  Change is evident every day in our lives.  Everyday is different and therefore changes are taking place.  Sometimes it is hard to recognize the changes that take place and sometimes we just don’t want to.  If I would have stayed home, I would have continued changing.  But, I know with a plain assuredly that the changes that are taking place in me now are good changes and for the best.  No, my personality is not changing.  I’m still the same crazy, laughing, nerdy, weird, hippy, indie, “intellectual”, Harry-Potter-loving Sarah.  The essence of me has not changed, but what has changed is my perspective and understanding of life, people, ideas, eternal principles, God’s plan, Jesus Christ, and even myself.  And these things will continue to change until one day my will, will be perfectly in line with God’s.

This day is not likely to happen in this life.... We are all human and therefore it is impossible to be perfect, but really this life isn’t about being perfect; it is all about attaining perfection.  And that is why the gospel is so important.  We can only progress in this life by living the gospel principles and acquiring gospel knowledge.  And that is why it was prideful for me to say that I wouldn’t change on my mission because that is supposing that I knew more than God.  This is His plan and He has granted us this life so that we CAN grow and progress and change.... Anyway.... after years of rambling of what I’m sure makes little sense (because I’m a confusing person and often confuse myself within my own thought processes....ha!), I’ll get to the point, which is that I am incredibly and eternally grateful for my mission.

That night after reading the dearelder from Rachel, I spent some minutes in prayerful thought and came to the sudden realization that after the wondrous gifts of the Atonement and the Holy Ghost, my mission has been that greatest gift that God could have ever given me.  Not because I haven’t been “seriously so blessed” (Ha! Ha!  Rachel) with a wonderful home, family, friends, and country my ENTIRE life, but because my mission has helped/taught me to realized and appreciate ALL the gifts and blessings that I already have been given.  

Anyway, I loved what Aunt Kristie said, too!  Like I said earlier, your perspective on a few things is sometimes limited in the mission, and for me that is mainly because I have no idea what is going on back home and how people see and view me from the outside.  It’s nice to know that I can be influencing people for good even though I’m a million miles away and in an entirely different country, culture, and language... :) That really is all that I could ask for.  Just hoping that perhaps somewhere in the world there is maybe someone that I could help or influence for the better.  And that is what has been on my crazy mind lately.  :) 

Hermana Hermansen

P.S. Okey doke family, I have some quick business to address quickly....
Mom— Just got your e-mail and time is almost up!  Who did Zach marry???  Has anyone heard how Lyndsie is doing??  Is she alive??  

Please apologize to peeps because I’m horrible at responding to letters, but there simply is NO time!  That is actually stressing me out a little.... But I’m still working on letters home and a little tiny package.

The packages I have received have been BOMB!!!  I seriously feel sooooooo spoiled!!


Courtney—  I lol-ed sooooooooooooooooooo hard at the pics!!! LOVED THEM!!!! 
Mal— We’re totally going scream/vent/cry driving in your new car when I get home!!!               
I LOVE YOU ALL LOTS, LOTS, LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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