Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Letter #26: July 9, 2012

Dear Family, 

Well, I made it through another week..... So many things happen in a week, yet they pass by so slowly..... Ha! Ha!  All is well.  So I have a bunch of random thoughts and stories for you this week so sorry if this e-mail is a bit jumbled.....

- We had a really cool contact last Tuesday!!!  It went like this...  We were trying to place a Book of Mormon and talked to two ladies briefly who weren’t interested.  There was a young man watching us the whole time and we decided to go talk to him.  We started talking to him and found out his name was Felipe.  My companion was saying stuff and when it was my turn to talk, all I could think of to say was my testimony about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and how its contents provide us with the means to live with our families forever.  I asked him if we would like to live with his family forever after this life.  He then contested to us that he would like that, that his dad died two days ago, and then he asked us where he could get this book..... :) We told him he could have the one we had of course!  He doesn’t live in our area but we took down his address and passed it on to the missionaries where he lives.  My heart was soooo happy!  I still can’t believe that really happened, but it was cool and I like to think of that experience sometimes. 

-Santiago Temple... So Cool!!!! The session in Spanish was fun.  It was easier than I thought, but that may be because I know the English session so well.  The coolest part about the temple was that we had 2 ladies from the ward going through for the first time and 2 men.  Three of the 4 people who went through are in the same family (father, mother, and son) and we got to see them be sealed as a couple and as a family.  IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!  I want to create an eternal family of my own one day.... :)  And I´m super grateful for the eternal family that I have now!!!! The other lady who was endowed is 73 years old and is a convert of one year.  She was taught by some sister missionaries and she’s the reason why we got to go to the temple with the ward.  She is so sweet and cute! I love her. :)  She’s super tall and big boned, but so fragile at the same time. Ha. Ha.  I heart the temple.

-We have interviews with our new president this Saturday.  We will meet him and I don’t know what else.  Should be good.

-So some weird things have been happening with what seems like everyone we come in contact with.... Weird things as in satanic things... Our investigator May was the first.  She told us about things that were happening in her house with the lights and weird feelings and her Book of Mormon would move and turn face down and stuff.  Because of this, she stopped taking the discussions.  Then, our investigator Alejandra started having horrible misfortunes since she started having the discussions... for example her washing machine broke and her husband crashed his car into a bull (no joke)... And our investigator Jorge had bad things happen with his job and family... And our investigator Leontina was having bad dreams with snakes and stuff. Same dream, over and over.... We were having discussions with Leontina in the house of a member and the same nights that Leontina had these dreams, the member had bad feelings and saw dark images in her house too.... Just weird things.......

One thing is for sure. The power of Satan is strong, BUT I know that the power of God is stronger.  Be strong against the powers of the devil!!  He is cunning!  Read ¨Devil¨ in the Bible Dictionary, it’s interesting....

-The Bishop loves to have us sing in sacrament meeting.... Ha! Ha! Ha!!  I’m not sure why..... We’ve sung 3 times now and have to again this coming Sunday.  Mind you that we do NOT have someone playing the piano.  That’s right, my comp and I sing acapella in front of the entire ward. It’s not pretty.... Ha.

-I miss indoor heating!!!!! We can see our breath in the pension! 

-The laundry lady (aka the bishop’s wife) lost some of our clothes.  I am down to one bra.  I have worn the same bra for the past 6 weeks straight.... Ha! Ha!  Don’t judge me.

-And last, but not least... it finally happened.... I broke down and cried a good cry.  I have been so frustrated with the language, many other things, and just being on a mission.  I’ve been putting everything in the back of my mind, but I couldn’t hold it in anymore.... I cried.  I talked to my comp and she listened.  And we talked some more and I cried some more.  Ha.  But all is well.  A good cry was just what I needed.  There are just so many things that weigh you down on a mission.  It’s hard to explain and definitely hard to understand unless you’ve lived it.  Satan works in ways that he knows will have an effect on you. I know it’s him and I still let myself get down-heartened sometimes... But now I feel better and can try again to conquer him!

Anyway, those are my thoughts I thought worthy enough to share with you this week.... I hope all is well in the land of free!!! (aka The U-S-A). I miss you all and I LOVE you more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Hermana Hermansen

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