Sunday, October 14, 2012

Letter #40: October 8, 2012


Thanks for Laurel’s address!!! Finally.  :)   So, didn’t you just LOVE conference!!!!! It was soooooooooooooooooo nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The gringo missionaries got to watch conference in a separate room in English.  It was Heavenly..... With the package ordeal, I’ll leave that up to you.... I remember that I needed things, but I’m pretty much the most patient person that I know right now and I can’t even remember exactly the things that I needed. (I do still need them, it’s just that I have so many things in my brain that when I write it down, it’s like I give permission for my brain to forget.)  I’m ok waiting.  In my Christmas package could you include a copy of the Ensign with all the conference talks? That would be great!

Anyway back to conference.... I LOVED it soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I now have the faith and strength that I need.  Remember how I told you before my mission that I needed to be humbled?.....Well.... mission accomplished.  I never want to be forced to be humble again.... I choose it from now on.  Luckily, conference gave me the faith, hope, strength, and motivation to try yet again at make the best of all things.

Also tell everyone Happy Birthday for me!!!!!!!  (Brett, Brandon, Dad, and Preston)

Anyway, I wanted to tell you something mother.... and that is, thank you for raising me in righteousness!!!! I am so eternally grateful that I was born in the covenant with a wonderful, righteous mother.  You are incredible, mama and I love you soooooo much!!!!
And now that I’m done writing about my feelings (which I’m sure you loved because you love feelings), I have something very urgent to tell you.....

That thing being, my permanent retainer fell off... crap.  So I have the number of a dentist here who is a member.  The mission nurse told me to call him and set up an appointment, but I’m scared to do anything until I have yours and dad’s approval.... What I’m thinking is that I could get a removable retainer made to use for the next year while I’m here and then get it all fixed when I get home. What should I do?  I have one tooth that is getting real crooked.... I think a removable retainer would be best.  And should I just go to the dentist and see what they say or do you want to search insurance stuff first?  From what I hear, orthodontics and dentistry is a lot cheaper here than the states and it’s pretty good quality too.  But again, this is personal money that the mission does not pay for. Let me know please. I won’t act until I hear back from you. Thanks!

Ok so that is all I have to say for today.  I completed 7 months in the mission yesterday.   I LOVE YOU LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thanks for telling me all about the fam!!!! Glad everyone’s doing well.  Anyway, I must be off!!! Until next week.
-Hermana Hermansen         

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