Saturday, March 31, 2012

Letter#8 March 24, 27, and 29, 2012

Dear Mother,                                                                                                                         

I am so tired! Ha!  There is not enough time in the day and I utilize a 16-hour day.  Other than that, I am great!!  The MTC is great!  Spanish is hard, but it is coming!!  Sounds like you’re super busy yourself!  My companion is good and so are the other hermanas.  They leave this Tuesday for the MTC in Guatemala.  I’m sad, but excited for them, too. 

The hermanas left today…it was weird to say goodbye to them.  It’s just my companion and me in the room now and we are the only girls in the zone.  It’s just strange because they’ve been such a big part of my MTC experience thus far and now they’re gone…but change is a big part of the mission so I might as well start getting used to it now.

Well, I just emailed you yesterday because of the special circumstances with my tooth and singing in conference, so I hope you got it and read it!  It was so strange to be in the room with that lady as she talked to you!  I didn’t know she was going to need to call you so I didn’t expect it and it caught me off guard.  I think I almost cried.  Ha! Ha! But…I didn’t.  It was just weird!

You are such a wonderful mother, mama!  I’m so grateful for the opportunity I have to be here! This is seriously such a huge blessing and there is no way I could be here without you!  It gets frustrating sometimes, but I’m learning soooooo much!  I’m learning things that are in no way possible to learn anywhere else.  It’s hard here sometimes.  We are pushed and stretched to our limits, and it’s only going to get harder, but I am ETERNALLY grateful to be able to have this experience!!  From what I’ve heard from teachers is that this new MTC program is meant to push missionaries and be really rigorous and hard.  And believe me, it is!  But we are learning so fast, it’s incredible.

How is everybody?  How was seeing grandma and aunt Kristie?  Oh, did I tell you that I got called as the coordinating sister for the zone?  It’s not that impressive considering there are only two girls in the zone and one of us has to be it…but it’s basically the equivalent of a zone leader for the sisters.  If we get new people, then I have to help orient them and if we get new sisters, I need to help them, be their friend, and solve their problems.  Fun. Fun!

So, Spanish is coming ok.  I’m having a hard time with English now actually.  Like grammar and context and sentence structure/order.  I even think some words in Spanish now, which is good, but makes me nervous for when I come home because I just know I’m not going to be able to speak English at all.  Ha! Ha!  That will be fun.  Spanish is still hard sometimes, though, and frustrating.  I just want to be able to speak fluently now.

Ok, I need to get this letter sent today.  So, I’m going to wrap things up.  I guess that’s it.  Ha! Ha!  I don’t need a shirt for conference anymore as probably already gathered.  I am just wearing a sweater I have buttoned up as a shirt.  It’s bright yellow so you should be able to spot me pretty well in conference. J  Saturday afternoon session…remember.

I was notified yesterday about my dentist appointment getting changed.  It will be sort of weird to come back to Riverton. 

So, there is this “give away” box on each residence floor where you can put anything in that you don’t want.  We have found some incredible treasures!  I’m talking the most incredible sweater dress you’ve ever seen!  And one of those 90’s button-down floral print dresses.  We’ve worn them and taken pictures so I will have to send those. J  

I best be going now!  I love you and think about you all the time (but not in a distracting manner).  Thanks for getting me thinks that I need!  I SINCERELY appreciate it!!!  I hope all is well with you and everyone else!  I love you! 

Hermana Hermansen

P.S. I totally saw David Archuleta in the lunchroom on Wednesday!

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