Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Letter #13: April 21, 2012

Dearest Mother,

Thank you for your letters and the suitcase!!  You are amazing!  All of the skirts will be fantastic!!  The blue one is my favorite, it's super cute.  I have some to send home, too.  You are such a cute mommy!

Sorry I have a hard time thinking what to write right now.  I'm not very good at speaking Spanish, but because I'm trying so hard and focusing so much on it, I have a hard time speaking and writing in English now.  It gets super confusing...

You've probably notices my spelling and grammar going downhill over the past (almost) two months.  Isn't it weird that I've been gone that long???  It's weird for me to think about...

I miss the simple and mundane things from normal life like being able to sit outside in the hammock on sunny days, watching chick flicks with you, going for drives, and being able to just think...things like that.  It's all good though!  I will be able to do those things for the rest of my life starting in 17 months. :)

You said in a letter once that you wish you would have gone on a mission.  Did you ever seriously consider going when you were old enough?

I'm grateful every single day that I'm out here!!  It's super hard and frustrating sometimes, but it's really fun and awesome, too!  Time is already going by really fast and at the same time, it feels like I'll be here forever! Ha! Ha!

Anyway, thank you for making it possible for me to be here!  Thank you for being supportive and loving, too!  I could not be here without you and dad!!  This experience is truly incredible and it's only just begun.  I'm learning thins in such a concentrated way.  It would take a person 5x as long to learn the things I'm learning.  I never thought serving a mission would be so crucial in life lessons, but it totally is.  I never fully understood until I got here.

I am having lots of fun, too, though!  It really is the best of times and the worst of times.  Such an emotional, spiritual, and physical roller-coaster.  I think I said something like that after the first week, but it keeps proving true everyday.

Anyway, I made a final list of all the things and I need and a list of thins I will be needing to send home. I love you, I love you, I love you!!!  I'm getting nervous to get to the field (aka Chile), but I'm also getting very excited!!

How is the time going by with me gone?  Slow?  Fast?  Medium?  It's going bay fast as I look back on it, but slow as I'm living it...Ha! Ha! We are getting new schedules tomorrow, so my p-day is on Thursdays now.  It will be weird to have a new schedule, but a change will be nice I guess.

I love you, you're great, don't forget me, eat chocolate in my honor, spread the gospel whenever you can, bear testimony at every chance, smile, and remember that laughter is a tiny vacation.

Hermana Hermansen

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