Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Letter #14: April 23, 2012

Dear Mama,


Dear mother you are so beautiful!!!  And...it's your birthday!!  (Well, technically it's your birthday tomorrow, but I'm guessing you will get this tomorrow, which is now today for you, therefore it's your birthday!  Get it? Ha!)

I hope you have a wonderful, fantastic, terrific, great, super duper, bakan (Spanish word for "cool") extremely awesome, stupendous BIRTHDAY!!!!!!  I love you!  I love as deep as the sea, as blue as the sky, as green as the grass, as high as the sky, as big as the universe, as much as the starts and the sands, and as long as forever! :)

I wish I had some sort of cool gift to send you, but I only have money from you and that seems somewhat counter productive....but, Rachie told me what they got you and it sounds awesome!!  So, I wrote you a poem instead!  Here it goes:

My mother, I love you.
My mother, you're great.
I love you because you're my mother
And you love me even when I break a plate.

You always make me smile,
You always make me laugh.
You're always there to listen,
And you tell me when I need to take a bath
(Get it?  Because I stink sometimes and you tell me. Ha! Ha!)

You love to act silly with me
You go along with my jokes.
You're the first to hug me better,
When i get hurt by my bike spokes.

Even though we're far away, I think of you everyday
(Although at the dentist, you I've been able to see)
I'll like you forever, I'll love you for always
As long as you love me, my mama you'll be!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I hope you enjoyed that!

Anyway, I love you lots and I hope you have a great birthday!!  Thanks for all you do for me!  You are THE BEST mother in the world!!! En serio (seriously) I love you!!!

Hermana Hermansen

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