Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Letter #19: May 28, 2012

Hello Family!

Things are good here. Today is sunny, but the past three days it´s been non-stop rainy and cold! It gets soooo freezing here in the night!! Our houses aren´t heated and the humidity makes it impossible to be warm. One of the members gave me some long sleeve turtle-neck sweaters, which are huge and not cute, but I don´t care because it gets so cold. This is just the beginning too. Ha! Ha!  Oh well, I just need to buy some warmer clothes. 

So this week was really good, but also sad and kind of hard...

Good news first! We had a baptism on Saturday for Hellen! Woot.  It was really cool to see her get baptized! She seemed really happy and the spirit was really strong at the service. Another good thing that happened was that we placed two more baptismal dates! This lady named May and her daughter, Carla. I was the one to ask them to get baptized too, so that was cool :)  Now for the bad news... We lost two investigators.. Remember the lady I told you about while we were skype-ing, how her daughter prayed and was like "oh señor, te gracias señor, oh señor, señor, señor, señor!" Well anyway, their names are Elia and Onetta. So we were teaching Onetta (the daughter) the restoration and it was going really well. the spirit was really strong and she was understanding everything... but then Elia came home.  She´s kind of crazy... and she started going off about how the bible talks about false prophets and blah blah and then Onetta said she didn´t want to be more confused with religion and agreed with her mom. They haven´t been reading the Book of Mormon.  It kind of turned into an argument a little.  Not really, but the mom is just nuts.  We were super nice and humble and explained that we weren´t trying to change their religion, just teach them and invite them to come unto Christ, but they refused.  She asked us not to come back anymore... Bleh.... and then after that on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we could not place any appointments and no one was home when we´d go to their houses... it was frustrating....but oh well.. Hopefully, we have more luck this week... Also on the bad news side, the glue on my retainer fell off... So I have a loose wire again and my tooth is already starting to turn... I might need braces again when I get home... 

Oh, while we were eating lunch one day this week this lady just pulled down her shirt and started nursing her baby!! I think I may have made a face, but no one else was even phased by it... Ha! Ha! Welcome to Latin America.

Also, I´ve forgotten to tell you about the earthquakes! We´ve had three so far! They are really small and everything just shakes for a bit and then they´re over. There was supposed to be a huge one last Sunday at 10 pm, but it never came.  I guess earthquake predictions like that are really common. They predict them and they never come. Well that´s it for this week! Hopefully this week is better... I love you all and I miss you a lot sometimes!!

Love, Hermana Hermansen

P.S. Tell Bailey HAPPY BIRTHDAY for me tomorrow!! I sent her a card, but it will take about two weeks for it to get there.

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